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Eve Grubin is delighted to announce that her next book of poems, Boat of Letters, is forthcoming from Four Way Books.

Eve is also the author of Morning Prayer (Sheep Meadow Press), The House of Our First Loving (Rack Press), and Grief Dialogue (Rack Press).


“Eve Grubin has found ‘her own wildness’ in Morning Prayer, her first book of poetry, and she has also teased a sober knowingness out of our twenty-first century wilderness. Without the slightest grandstanding, this wonderful young poet’s old soul is hard at work, sure-eyed and determined to render a lyrical clarity that surprises and penetrates.” – Yusef Komunyakaa

“Eve Grubin is a poet who is after nothing less than a reconciliation between silence and manifestation; her poems seek a non-dualist apprehension of reality. This search crosses through all religions and all psychology, but it is rare to find a new vocabulary emerging from the secular and intellectual space that poets inhabit. Still, her poems are open and given freely to every kind of reader. This makes them pleasures.” – Fanny Howe

“What is unusual in Morning Prayer, and masterful, is Eve Grubin’s ability to hint at a story undisclosed, creating a poetic palimpsest of mystery and revelation. Her interest is in the moments before and after events, in what is known ‘just before knowledge.’ With spiritual and artistic discipline she remains within the province of the poem, leading us not through events but through the more treacherous and radiant territory of her response to them.” – Carolyn Forché

“In Morning Prayer, Eve Grubin pries language open to reveal its pure, muscular core—stripped of the familiar, yet breathing, alive, these are poems that accomplish the work of the body and of the soul. If these pages are seen as prayer, it is prayer of the kind that questions and argues back, prayer that asks only for this world to be known as it is, with its brine-salts, acids, and bitter herbs. In its dazzling assurance of voice and gesture, its ranging investigations, this is one of the finest first collections of recent years.” – Jane Hirshfield

“These poems set out to craft a dark, unsettling music out of the places where doubt and faith, words and silence, love and not-love meet. But these are poems also grounded in the common world, in Brooklyn mornings and Wednesday trains and a radio playing in the backround. What unites the particular and the whole are gifts of language and turns of truth which make this a powerful and persuasive first collection.” – Eavan Boland

“I read Morning Prayer straight through in one sitting — gripped by the story of one soul wrestling with that angel which breaks as it heals. Here’s the world in its fullness: without division: the secular is sacred, the psychological is metaphysical. A miracle. The unspeakable story breaks into song.” – Marie Howe

“The poems in Eve Grubin’s Morning Prayer unite a flawless lyrical precision with a mind unafraid of exploring human isolation to its farthest limits. They are at once intimate and vast, at once cryptic and absolutely transparent, and are the testimonies of a poet whose rich sensibility has been perfectly cultivated by experience, insight, and moral imagination.” – Vijay Seshadri

“Eve Grubin is a dazzling poet. Such a stir of profound gravity and penetrating wonder fill this majestically contemplative first book — I am in awe of her words and silences.” – Naomi Shihab Nye


The Forward
La Petite Zine
Providence College: Web Symposium
Publishers Weekly (starred review)
To read a review of Morning Prayer in Lilith buy the issue here


La Petite Zine
Kicking Wind
Publishers Weekly: Religion BookLine


Mark Doty’s blurb: “`Let’s hold all of the truths in our arms at once,’ Eve Grubin writes in this marvelous, entirely fresh pamphlet of love poems, in which traditional Jewish sources become a means of naming what happens in the contradictory meshing and collision of selves love is. “Unfinishing,” she tells us, “creates a longing,” and Grubin’s happy readers will leave these poems hungry for more of this unusual, distinctive sensibility at work.”

You can order The House of Our First Loving from the Rack Press website or from


Review by Alison Brackenbury of The House of Our First Loving can be found in the Sept-Oct issue of PN Review

A review, “Unfinished-ness in Art, Judaism and the Poetry of Eve Grubin,” appeared on Sarah Rindner’s blog,  The Book of Books: Where Judaism and Literature Meet